IPv6 Enhanced Council - Fourth Plenary Meeting report

IPv6-EC004 on August 31st at 2pm to 5pm CET

Posted by IPv6 Forum on August 20, 2023 · 13 mins read

1 Summary

The IPv6 Enhanced Council members met in August 31rst, 2023 under the Chairmanship of Pr Latif Ladid (Luxembourg University), the Vice-Chairman Dr. Will Liushucheng (Huawei), the Vice-Chair Mr. Carlos Ralli (Telefonica) and the Coordinator Dr. Tayeb Ben Meriem (IPv6 Forum). 26 participants attended this Fourth Plenary meeting. Opening talks have been given by 4 Speakers from 2 CSPs (Vodafone Germany and ZAIN Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), a Cloud Providers (AWS) and an Independent IPv6 Certifier (IPv6 Forum’s SRv6 Ready Logo Program).

The next Plenary meeting is scheduled for September 28th, 2023. 14:00 - 17:00 (CET)

2 Opening of the meeting (Chairman)

The Chairman, Pr Latif Ladid welcome the attendees and introduced the Opening Talks session.
Introduction of Mr. Rick Kuhn (NIST, US) who attended for the first time an IPv6 Enhanced Council meeting. Mr. Rick Kuhn worked in 2020 on the US Government IPv6 OMB guide.

3 Agenda

  1. Summary
  2. Opening of the meeting (Chairman)
  3. Opening Talks (4 Invited Speakers)
  4. Review of the Agenda (Coordinator)
  5. Input documents (Coordinator) 5.1. Presentation of inputs documents 5.2. Discussion
  6. Next Plenary meeting (All)
  7. Acknowledgement and closing (Chairman)

3 Opening Talks: Invited Speakers

TThe approach adopted by the Management Team is to invite 3 or more speakers at each Plenary meeting to share their experience within a dedicated opening talk session. In this 4th Plenary meeting, 4 speakers have been invited. Table 1 lists the 4 topics covered in this session, and key messages delivered by the 4 speakers.

- Speaker: Mr. Mohammad Anwar Dajani (Transport Planning Director, ZAIN, Saudi Arabia)

  • Topic: IPv6 in ZAIN - KSA

  • Key Messages

TKSA Regulator CTC initiated a program to adopt IPv6 in Saudi Arabia. ZAIN implemented the KPIs set by CTC. The presentation outlined ZAIN IPv6 Roadmap which is broken down into the following 4 phases: • 2018: Preparation Dual Stack approach has been adopted in ZAIN Network and provided it to its customers. • 2019: Project Planning • 2020: Project Execution • Feb 202I: Project Closing (KPIs verification completed) Major verification in ZAIN Mobile network showed successfully tested IPv6 in Mobile Devices, Core and ISP, Caching (Face Book, Akamai, Google). This test campaign also includes NB-IoT, Core Elements, External DPI Nodes, New Radius Elements, Lawful Interception Systems, Charging & Biing Systems (online and offline) Deployment and Activation phase includes the following items: • Lawful Interception Systems completion and Tapping system • Transport Network: MPLS Edge PEs • ZAIN / ISP (DNS, Web filtering, DPIs), Caching (Face Book, Akamai, Google, Netflix) • Core Network • Mobile Data, HLR / HSS, Charging Systems (OCS, PCRF & Mediation) • Video Optimisation • BNG • Network Access: Access all different Nodes & Vendors covering NB-IoT & 5G

- Speaker: Dr. Muslim Elkotob (Principal Solutions Architect Vodafone)

  • Topic: Telco Data Spaces

  • Key Messages

The presentation covers the following topics: • Telco Data-Sharing Introduction: Goals, Trends, and Scope • Underlying and Related Standards and Trends – Gaia-X – IDSA – 3GPP NWDAF • TDS Architectural Blueprint • TDS Architectural Blueprint • Targeted Use Cases • Business Impact & Outlook

Rationale A data space is designed to allow sovereign and secure exchange of data within a “trusted eco-system” involving multiple stakeholders: “Right now, if Telco stakeholders share their data there is no guarantee that it remains their data” • Achieving sovereign data exchange & processing within a common framework (Telco Data Space) • Fostering better collaboration among stakeholders: Enhancing cross-data analytics scenarios • A single Telco Data Space infrastructure for the sharing and processing of Telco dataset – Defining Data Usage constraints blueprint – Providing Telco data space catalogue services for management and control of data space per use cases – Prototyping use cases with data-space nodes (connectors) enforcing the consortium data governance – Leverage on emerging initiatives Gaia-X/IDS

NOTE 1: This presentation could be linked to the IDSA presentation presented at the 3rd Plenary meeting. It is somehow an implementation of this IDS standard (Connector in particular) in a PoC addressing Sovereign Data Space in a Telcom Ecosystem.

NOTE 2: This presentation is also leveraging GAIA-X that has been presented in two Plenary meetings by Mr. Arnaud Braud (Orange) invited by IPv6 Enhanced Council in his role of GAIA-X Architect.

NOTE 3: The value of the presentation is: it provides an implementation of those 2 Frameworks GAIA-X and IDSA and showcases the 4 following use cases in a Telco Ecosystem: 1) Steering Roaming, 2)Trusted AI Models, 3)Energy Saving, 4)Minimizing Drive test

NOTE 4: IPv6 Enhanced Council is expecting a follow up in term of contribution that addresses Layer 3 challenges from IPv6 addressing perspective

- Speaker: Ms. Alexandra Huides (Principal Network Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, AWS)

  • Topic: AWS IPv6 adoption

  • Key Messages

The presentation encompasses the 4 following areas of focus: 1) Network: inside VPC and internal Network 2) OS 3) Code 4) Services: a) AWS or customer-managed, b) Third Parties

It also addresses the 2 following approaches: 1) Businesses-driven, 2) Network-driven.

Business-driven Approach It covers a) Inside VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), b) Services Edge Layer a) Inside the VPC: It is about expanding services to IPv6 clients. It is driven by the extensive IPv6 adoption in certain geographies. b) Services Edge layers: Dual Stack VPC and Dua Stack ELBs (Elastic Load Balancer) Network-driven-Approach It Covers a) Inside VPC, b) Internal Network a) Inside the VPC: It is driven by severe Private IPv4 exhaustion, Dual Stack VPC, and IPv6-only subnets b) Internal Network: It is driven by Dual Stack internal Network Routing NOTE: Detailed information about IPv6 on AWS can be found in this link https://repost.aws/articles/AREREdDTYdSh2-NMBqQJS4wQ/get-started-with-ipv6-on-aws-resources-content

- Speaker: Mr. Tim Winters (SRv6 Ready Logo Program)

  • Topic: AWS IPv6 adoption

  • Key Messages The presentation is a short report about the previous SRv6 Ready Logo monthly meeting. Two categories of testing are considered by the Program, Conformance and Interoperability as well as two types of Logo, a) Gold, b) Silver.

a) Gold Logo (SR6) • Includes both Conformance and Interoperability testing as a requirement • Covers all the MUST in a RFC (NOTE: Core requires both MUST/SHOULD) • Core, IPsec/IKEv2, DHCPv6, CE Router, SNMP

b) Silver Logo • Conformance testing as a requirement • Covers the MUST in RFC • No current Logo’s use this (IoT Interoperability as been suggested)

Proposed RFCs as candidates for discussion and selection • RFC 8986 • RFC 8402 • IPv6 Sections only (not MPLS) • RFC 8754 • Any others?

Actions and Roadmap • Breaking down the MUST statements from RFCs • UNH-IOL, CNLabs, QA Cafe have volunteered RFC Breakdown • Test Cases will start to be developed in Oct. • Aiming for launching the Logo in early 2024. • Test Tools • TBD

NOTE: How to join SRv6 Ready Logo Program • Email ipv6ready-info@ipv6ready.org if you want to be added to the ipv6ready-sr6@ipv6ready.org mailing list.

4 Input document

4.1. Presentation of input documents • Agenda item 4: Presentation of LSOUT to ITU-T Focus Group on Metaverse (FG-MV) Two LS OUT (Liaison Statements) have been established with ITU-T Focus Group on Metaverse (FG-MV) on March and July 2023 and 2 contributions have been presented at the two respective ITU-T Focus Group Plenary meetings. ITU-T sent a formal answer to IPv6 Forum indicating they will include in their WG 3 (Architecture of Metaverse) and WG 5 (Metaverse Interoperability) the mapping between IPv6 Enhanced Council deliverables and the objectives of ITUT-T FG-MV as described in the ToR of the ITU- Focus Group (MV).

• Agenda item 5: Pv6 Enhanced Council PoC Program It is part of WG2 (PoC, Test & Trial) 4 ongoing PoCs (approved in September 2022) document has been presented. PoC Topics document (Repository / Catalog of 83 potential PoCs Topics) is made available where a PoC Project team that would like to submit a PoC Proposal can pick and choose PoCs topics of their interest from this PoC Topics Repository / Catalog to make sure their proposal is aligned with the established PoC Program process. Any member interested in joining one of the 4 ongoing PoCs can contact the PoC leader of the targeted PoC. Any member willing to submit a PoC Proposal is invited to follow the PoC Program process available in the be Site).

4.2. Discussion 1° About IPv6 Product lines and offers per market segment in ZAIN Catalogue? Mr. Muslim Elkotob, Vodafone to Mr Dajani (ZAIN, Saudi Arabia): Do you have different approaches for consumer and each vertical? Answer: No, a single offer is present for all, or customize for single Enterprise customers

2° About the diversity of IPv6 Adoption measurement tools leading to different results no aligned Mr. Sami Salih (ITC): same requirements from the regulator and there are issues on KPI that are on APNIC measurement, that are only 60% while the measurement is for 80%. Ralph Wallache: are you using IPAM tools? Answer: No Tayeb Ben Meriem (IPv6 Forum) suggestion. The lack of a unique reference is a big issue that hinders Stakeholders from comparing and contrasting IPv6 adoption rates and carrying out benchmarking studies. This issue has been addressed by the French Regulator (ARCEP) through its “IPv6 Barometer” tool. It is based on a median (the arithmetic average of the two central values) of the publicly available data from four sources (Google IPv6 adoption, Akamai IPv6 adoption, Facebook IPv6 adoption, and APNIC IPv6 adoption). Latif. This is a good achievement to be shared with the v6 Council (action taken by Tayeb)

3° Question on the Chat calling for support on sharing National IPv6 Policies Chris Uwaje (Nigeria IPv6 Council) 14:40 Hi everyone, please, I need any existing National Policy and Strategy Framework on IPv6/ Thank you so much. Ofline answer as been provide by Tayeb BENMERIEM (IPv6 Forum) regarding the French IPv6 Strategy

4° Presentation of an EU funded project to get IPv6 statistics of usage in the 27 EU countries to do geographical addressing services

Ian Hallisay (TUS: Irland’s University): called for contribution and partnership in this project. John Lee gave some insights and expressed his interest in EU project. The IPv6 Enhanced Council will monitor the progress of this project and identify the appropriate instrument to officially collaborate with (e.g. LS or MoU). For instance, 1) the EU project could leverage the published deliverables, 2) the EU Project invites the IPv6 Enhanced Council to make a presentation in one of its project meeting and vis versa. Latif: About address space allocation, Latif said: EU is getting IPv6 address space from Vodafone, the suggestion is to get them from LIR and provide them to Vodafone.

5 Next Plenary meeting (All)

The next Plenary meeting of the IPv6 Enhanced Council is scheduled on September 28th, 2023. 14:00 - 17:00 (CET). Zoom link and the Agenda will be shared by the Management Team.

10 Acknowledgment and closing

The Chairman thanked all participants for the fruitful discussion and for their interest to collaborate and contribute in various WGs / WIs, Deliverables and PoC Program within the Roadmap of the IPv6 Enhanced Council.