IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Topics are specific areas, often linked to a Working Group / Work Item, where input or feedback from the IPv6 Enhanced Council Proofs of Concept (PoCs) is needed. IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Topics help to focus PoC Projects on the most relevant topics for the IPv6 Enhanced Council, and to increase the relevance of their contributions.
IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Topics are identified and documented by IPv6 Enhanced Council. IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Topics may include templates for the PoC Contributions and deadlines to ensure that the PoC Contributions arrive on-time to be taken into account by the targeted IPv6 Enhanced Council WG(s) / WIs.
IPv6 Enhanced Council potential PoC Topics candidates
As described in the IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Framework, a PoC Team proposal shall address at least one goal relevant to IPv6 Enhanced Council i.e. related with an IPv6 Enhanced Council Use Cases, an IPv6 Enhanced Council Requirements or the suitability of an IPv6 Enhanced Council System Architecture aspect. The output of the PoC should provide feedback to the IPv6 Enhanced Council that should support the improvement of the output of the existing IPv6 Enhanced Council WGs / WIs or the creation of new WGs / WIs to address identified gaps or new topics deemed of high interest to the Industry. Alignment with existing activities is required. See table below. It is broken down into 3 levels:
Level 1: the highest level that reflects the Strategic / Holistic / aggregated view of the IPv6 Enhanced Council It contains 4 components (Use Cases and Applications, Guides, Vision, Test & Certification)
Level 2: It is the disaggregation of Level (14 components). It refers the WIs / Deliverables
Level 3: the low level. It is fine grain disaggregation of Level 2. It lists the potential PoCs Topics candidates. We identified so far 83.
This level-based structure allows easily check the alignment of a given PoC Topic with the IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Framework by simply concatenating the 3 levels related names.
Addressing a PoC Topics in a PoC Project
IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Teams specify the targeted PoC Topic(s) in their PoC Proposal and commit to provide the expected input or feedback in the requested format (template, if applicable) in a timely manner.
Feeding back the PoC result
As soon as experimental results relevant for a given IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Topic are available (no need to wait for the IPv6 Enhanced Council PoC Project to be completed), the PoC Team creates a contribution and informs the IPv6 Enhanced Council by email (if the PoC Topic had a specific template for feedback contributions, it should be used). PoC Teams are also encouraged to contribute additional results and lessons learned, outcome, and best practices during the PoC Project to the IPv6 Enhanced Council.